
The best way to keep your cat's coat healthy is to brush it regularly. Here are some tips to get you started:

The best way to care for your cat's coat is to brush it regularly.

Regular brushing is the best way to care for your cat's coat and keep it healthy, but brushing can also be a great outlet for bonding with your kitty. Here are some tips on how you can get started:

  • Make sure you have the right tools: You'll need at least two brushes—one for long-haired cats and one with short bristles. A rubber grooming glove is also helpful when working on rough patches like behind their ears or between their toes.

  • Brush regularly (and gently!): Start by brushing lightly all over his body until he gets used to the sensation, then move onto more specific areas like his belly and back legs. Be sure not to dig into their skin but instead just run your fingers along theirs in order to stimulate blood flow and prevent matting or clumping of fur over time.* Wash him often: In addition to helping remove loose flakes of dead skin cells from under his fur—which will result in softer fur overall—regular baths give you an opportunity each week/month/year where you can really bond with him while he's feeling vulnerable (but still safe!)

Here are some tips to get you started:

  • There are many different types of brushes on the market, but you want to start with one that's soft. Cats don't enjoy being brushed, so it's important to go slow and be gentle.

  • Brush your cat in the direction that his fur grows. For most cats, this means brushing from neck to tail. If you accidentally brush against the grain (the opposite direction), your cat will let you know!

  • Brushing is not painful for cats; however, some cats may still resist this activity by using their claws or teeth. The only way to train a reluctant cat is through patience and persistence—and maybe a treat or two!

How often you need to brush depends on your cat's coat type.

As a general rule, long-haired cats will need daily brushing to prevent tangles from forming. You'll also want to brush your shorthaired feline once or twice weekly to keep the undercoat from matting. If you're unsure about how often your cat needs brushing, ask your vet for advice based on their breed and coat type.

Long-haired cats need daily brushing in order to avoid mats from forming.

Long-haired cats need daily brushing in order to avoid mats from forming. If your cat is a long-haired type, you'll want to brush her at least once a day. Long-haired cats can get mats in their fur, which are painful and can cause skin infections. Make sure you have an appropriate brush for the length of your cat's hair and check out our article on how to choose a proper brush for more information!

Short-haired cats with loose undercoats can benefit from weekly brushing.

For short-haired cats with loose undercoats, weekly brushing can be beneficial.

Brush your cat's fur in the direction of growth. If you’re unsure how to do this, find a video online or ask a groomer for help. A good rule of thumb is to brush in circular motions until you reach the skin and then switch directions so that you don't pull out any hair when combing out tangles. Use a comb on your cat's undercoat first and then follow up with a brush after that so that you don't damage their skin (or yours).

Use a comb for long-haired coats, or a wire-pin brush for medium and short-coated cats.

Use a comb for long-haired coats, or a wire-pin brush for medium and short-coated cats. If your cat has a long coat, you'll want to use a comb rather than a brush. Combs can be helpful for both longhaired and shorthaired cats, but it takes longer to groom with them because of all the hairs that get stuck in the teeth of the comb. If you're looking for an easier option, try using one of our wire pin brushes instead!

Brush in the direction that your cat's fur grows.

  • Brush in the direction that your cat's fur grows. If you brush against the grain, you can cause your cat pain and irritation.

  • Use careful strokes when brushing your cat's coat. Start at their nose and work down to their tail. You'll want to use a brush with soft bristles for this process so that it doesn't hurt or irritate them too much!

With long haired cats, always brush the undercoats first, as these can mat more easily than the top layer of fur.

If your cat has long hair, always brush the undercoat first, as these can mat more easily than the top layer of fur. Start at your cat’s neck and work your way down his back. Brush in the direction that his fur grows—if he has long hair on his face, you’ll want to brush away from it. Always keep one hand on your cat while trimming mats; cats are very sensitive about their skin being touched by humans. If your kitty gets nervous when you try to cut off mats with scissors or clippers (which is understandable), go slowly and ask him if he wants a break before continuing each section of knot removal

Brush from the shoulders towards the tail, and from the neck down the back.

  • Brush from the shoulders down the back and tail.

  • Brush from the neck down the back, which helps to remove loose hair.

  • Brush your cat’s coat regularly, as this removes dead hair and keeps it shiny and healthy looking by distributing natural oils throughout their coat.

You need to be gentle with shaving mats out of your cat's fur, but it can be done.

You can cut out mats in your cat's fur yourself, but first you'll need to acquire a sharp pair of scissors. Since the mats are made up of curled, knotted fur and can be very difficult to see, it is essential that you use a pair of sharp scissors to help you get through them easily.

When cutting out the mat, always cut in the direction that the fur grows; this will help prevent any painful snags or tears on sensitive areas such as your cat's face. If you're unsure where to begin cutting or if there are multiple knots in different directions, ask a professional groomer for advice. Start by trimming away small pieces at a time until you've reached all sides of the mat; then snip along its length until all that remains is straightened out fur with no tangles left behind!

Always keep one hand on your cat while trimming mats, and go slowly.

  • Keep one hand on your cat at all times. You should never try to trim mats with your cat running free, as this can be dangerous for both of you.

  • Go slowly and use a comb or scissors to trim away any matting before cutting fur that is matted in the wrong direction. The key here is to work carefully and deliberately—don't rush through the process!


Cats are wonderful pets, but caring for their fur isn't always easy. Cats can be very sensitive to grooming and brushing, so be patient as you work through this process. It's important to remember that every cat is different - some may need more frequent brushing than others. In any case, we hope these tips will help you take care of your kitty's coat like a pro!