If you have spent some time around man’s best friend, there’s no question that during these hot summer months, dogs can tend to sweat and smell. Did you know that dogs have a tendency to detect many unusual things by smell? Three odd smells that are often detected include: 

Illicit Technology 

It’s no surprise that dogs are pretty dang smart. So much so that dogs are being used to sniff out cyber crime criminals helping authorities track down and apprehend suspects involved in fraudulent and illegal acts of illicit technology. 


In recent years, there have been multiple instances where dogs have been caught licking and picking at various spots on their owners. Time after time, these spots that are being licked and picked at often send their owners straight to the doctor where a diagnosis of various illnesses is found and discovered. 

Severe Weather

Whether it is a bright strike of lightning or a loud clap of thunder, it’s no surprise when our pups are often startled by severe weather. Researchers have found that hours before severe weather even strikes, dogs can smell and predict incoming storms and severe weather.